Presented during the Globecom 2014 Meeting in Austin, Texas, USA, on December 9, 2014.
Best Paper Award in the GC 2014 SAC Track on Access Networks and Systems (ANS)
Presented to Jerome A. Arokkiam, Xiuchao Wu, Kenneth N. Brown, and Cormac J. Sreenan, for their paper: Experimental Evaluation of TCP Performance over 10 Gb/s Passive Optical Networks (XG-PON).
Best Paper Award in the GC 2014 SAC Track on Green Communications Systems and Networks (GCSN)
Presented to Juliana De Santi and Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, for their paper: Energy-Aware De-allocation of Lightpaths in WDM Networks.
Outstanding Service Award
Presented to Stefano Bregni in recognition of his excellent leadership and contributions to TAOS.
Outstanding Service Award
Presented to Steve Gorshe in recognition of his excellent leadership and contributions to TAOS.
Outstanding Service Award
Presented to Michael Kincaid in recognition of his excellent leadership and contributions to TAOS.
Special Service Award
Presented to Walter Cerroni for his remarkable contribution to designing and developing TAOS website.
Service Recognition
Also, Tarek El-Bawab was recognized by ComSoc for his outstanding service to the TAOS Technical Committee. The plaque was presented by TAOS officers during the TC’s GLOBECOM 2014 Meeting.